Aug. 21 – Labor Day, Sept. 1, 2025
145 Days 6 Hours 29 Mins
We are excited to have these great organizations partner with us to recognize our exhibitors through special awards and contests.
Knit & Bolt will be awarding a $25 gift certificate to the following:
Join Kowalski’s Markets by bringing sunshine to the table with your best and brightest, citrus-flavored cakes. Feature lemon, lime, orange or other tangy citrus ingredients in your cake, solo or with any complimentary flavors. Wow the judges and our taste buds. Entries can be any size or shape: layer, sheet, tube, cupcake or bite-sized.
The Minnesota Basket Weavers at Textile Center will be providing a rosette and $25 cash prize (included in the fair check) to the following:
Chocolate Lovers! The new Splenda® Magic Baker Chocolate Dessert Contest is here! Make your favorite chocolate sweet treats with little to no added sugar and compete for $350 in cash prizes. Think pies, pastries, puddings, custards, cakes, cookies, or ice cream. Anything with chocolate goes!
Don’t miss the new “UnitedHealthcare Healthy Cookie Contest” at the 2023 Minnesota State Fair. Make energy bars, on-the-go sweet treats or any cookie that has a health-minded twist or theme. Use “good-for-you” ingredients that help you power through the day, have nutritional value, or are a fit for special diets. Think protein powders, nuts, nut butters, fruits, and seeds. You can even simply “healthify” your favorite cookie to have less sugar, fat or calories. Your entry can be baked or no-bake style.
Thanks to Weavers Guild of Minnesota, special prizes of $25 will be awarded in the following classes. In addition, WGM will award $80 to the item that best represents the mission of the Weavers Guild of Minnesota, in honor of WGM’s 80th anniversary in 2020.