Aug. 21 – Labor Day, Sept. 1, 2025
148 Days 20 Hours 3 Mins
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Overnight Parking is located on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in the Livestock Lots A, B or D (located to the west of the livestock and horse barns). Livestock and horse exhibitors who wish to park their camping and RV units on the fairgrounds during the State Fair must complete an overnight livestock parking reservation request.
The overnight livestock parking reservation request system will open in late May.
All requests made between 8 a.m. and 11:59 a.m. on the registration date, will be put into a computer-generated lottery and filled in that order. Anyone who successfully completes a request in the first four hours has an equal chance of securing a camping spot. Requests made at noon or later will be filled or wait-listed in the order in which they are date- and time-stamped by the online process.
Email notification of the status of all requests will be sent in June. Full payment is due for confirmed requests by a specified date in July. Any confirmed spaces not paid for by the payment due date will be reallocated to the next appropriate request. This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to submit your payment.
The overnight parking online form is now part of the overall Minnesota State Fair competition registration system. Login using the email and password associated with your approved reservation. If you don’t know your password, you can reset it.
For further information, please contact the competition department at or 651-288-4417.
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