Aug. 21 – Labor Day, Sept. 1, 2025
148 Days 12 Hours 39 Mins
Our goal is to create a safe and secure environment for everyone – it is our number one priority. Our comprehensive public safety plan is developed and implemented in partnership with multiple agencies and experts at local, state and federal levels, and every part of our operation is continually evaluated and enhanced. The Minnesota State Fair’s State Fair Police Department has approximately 190 licensed officers annually from 65 urban, suburban and rural agencies across the state. Plus, more than 100 officers from local, state and federal agencies.
Call 911 for emergencies and to reach Dispatch Center for police, fire and medical.
During the fair, hand wash stations are available at many entrances to buildings in the livestock areas, including Compeer Arena, Cattle Barn, Cattle Annex, Sheep & Poultry Barn, Robert A. Christensen Pavilion (formerly Swine Barn) and the CHS Miracle of Birth Center. Hand wash stations are also located in the Food Building.
We invite guests to enjoy time with the animals, but highly recommend washing or sanitizing hands before and after visits and especially prior to eating.
For the comfort and safety of all, designated smoking areas have been established at convenient locations throughout the fairgrounds. Smoking (including the use of e-cigarettes and vape pens) is permitted only in these areas. Each designated smoking area consists of a bench and receptacle to safely deposit spent cigarettes. Marijuana smoking is prohibited throughout the fairgrounds. Designated smoking areas are identified on State Fair maps, which are available at all information booths.
There are two First Aid locations during the fair, sponsored by Regions Hospital.
Call 911 in case of an emergency and to reach Dispatch Center for police, fire and medical.
Minnesota State Fair guests are required to pass through metal detectors at the entry gates. Bags, purses, coolers and packages will be subject to search at each of the State Fair’s entrances. View our prohibited items on our Allowed & Prohibited Items FAQ page.
The Minnesota State Fair is held rain or shine! In the case of severe weather, we are equipped with shelters and an inclement weather plan. Visit our Updates page for severe weather updates during the fair.
Grandstand concerts also go on rain or shine. Concert bookings do not allow for refunds or exchanges in the event of rain. If weather appears inclement, please bring jackets or ponchos. Use of umbrellas is prohibited at the Grandstand. Learn more by using out Grandstand Info Guide.
The Minnesota State Fair’s group of independent concessionaires and restaurant operators work hard each year to help fair guests with food allergies. Most of the food vendors, although not a requirement, will post allergy warnings, particularly those pertaining to nut issues, but we encourage fair guests to inquire about specific concerns with each vendor.
Pick up a list of gluten-free fair food options produced by Twin Cities ROCK, and vegetarian/vegan brochures at any information booth.
Use the State Fair Finder to view the complete menus of the nearly 300 food vendors at the fair. Use keywords such as “gluten” or “dairy” to learn about the different options.
Fair guests are welcome to bring outside food and drinks. Coolers are permitted, but are subject to search at the entrances. No alcoholic beverages may be brought into the fair. Please note: Coolers are not permitted in the Grandstand concert venue.
AEDs are located throughout the fairgrounds. All information booths have a list of AED locations. In case of emergency call 911.
The Minnesota State Fair continues to follow current guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Information on monitoring symptoms, wearing a mask, taking precautions, testing and calculating isolation based on illness and exposure to Covid-19 can be found on the CDC Covid-19 webpage and the Minnesota Department of Health webpage.
Everyone is encouraged to self-monitor and follow health and safety guidelines as noted on the CDC and Minnesota Department of Health websites.