Giant Slide
- Not wheelchair accessible due to stairs
- Flashing and strobing lights at night
- Canes and walkers not permitted
- Staff is available to guide blind and low vision guests up the stairs and make sure they are seated properly; staff will also be available to help these guests exit the slide area
Haunted House
- Not wheelchair accessible due to stairs
- Dark with flashing lights, loud music and sudden sounds
- Canes and walkers are permitted
- Escorts are available to guide blind and low vision guests through attraction
Kidway Rides
- Clown Around
- Not wheelchair accessible due to stairs
- Canes and walkers not permitted
- Dragon Wagon
- Not wheelchair accessible due to stairs
- Flashing lights
- Canes and walkers not permitted
- Hog Rally
- Not wheelchair accessible due to stairs
- Music and led lights
- Lady Bugs
- Not wheelchair accessible due to stairs
- Flashing lights
- Canes and walkers not permitted
- Puppy Express
- Not wheelchair accessible due to stairs
- Flashing lights
- Canes and walkers not permitted
- Raiders
- Not wheelchair accessible
- Music and flashing lights
Krazy Maze
- Wheelchair accessible, entrance and maze are on flat concrete
- Canes and walkers are permitted
Mighty Midway Rides
- Cliffhanger
- Not wheelchair accessible
- Bright, flashing lights
- Canes and walkers not permitted
- Ride operator can assist blind and low vision guests to enter/exit the ride and make sure they are secured properly
- Defender
- Not wheelchair accessible
- Music and flashing lights
- Canes and walkers not permitted
- Iron Dragon
- Not wheelchair accessible
- Music and flashing lights
- Canes and walkers not permitted
- Sizzler
- Wheelchair accessible, but guests must transfer out of wheelchair to ride and steps are present
- Flashing lights
- Canes and walkers are permitted
- Skyliner
- Not wheelchair accessible
- Music and flashing lights
- Canes and walkers not permitted
- Storm
- Wheelchair accessible, but guests must transfer out of wheelchair to ride and steps are present
- Bright, flashing lights, loud music and sudden sounds
- Canes and walkers not permitted
- Wheelchair accessible, but guests must transfer out of wheelchair to ride and enter ride via flat platform at ground level
- Wheelchairs, walkers and canes need to be left at loading area and picked up after a round-trip ride
- Wheelchair accessible, but guests must transfer out of wheelchair to ride
- Wheelchairs, walkers and canes need to be left at loading area and picked up after a round-trip ride
If you have questions about rides & attractions access, please ask the ride operators when at the fair.