Aug. 21 – Labor Day, Sept. 1, 2025
148 Days 9 Hours 24 Mins
The Minnesota State Fair is 12 days of fun ending Labor Day. The 2025 fair runs Aug. 21 – Sept. 1.
Check out our daily attendance figures from recent years.
Please email your application to or mail to:
Minnesota State Fair
Attn: Concessions & Exhibits
1265 Snelling Ave. N.
St. Paul, MN 55108
The application form can be found here.
There is no due date for vendor applications; they are accepted year-round.
Selection of new vendor space will continue until all available spaces are filled.
There is no cost to submit an application.
The Minnesota State Fair does not maintain a waiting list. As licensing opportunities become available, vendors are selected from the pool of applications. Several criteria are considered in application review: 1) experience at other fairs or events; 2) booth presentation and appearance; 3) balance of similar products/services around the fairgrounds; 4) appropriateness of product, service or presentation to the available site; and 5) physical requirements.
Vendors must operate all 12 days of the Minnesota State Fair. There may be opportunities available as a touring promotional exhibit.
Pipe and draping may be included in certain locations on the fairgrounds. Utility hook-ups, fair admission and parking are not included in the fees.
Electricity can be provided in almost every indoor and outdoor location. Rates vary by the amount of electricity needed.
The Minnesota State Fair has an “everyone pays” policy, so all vendors and their employees must present an admission ticket. Reduced-rate admission tickets may be purchased prior to the start of the fair.
Vendors are responsible for their own parking and transportation arrangements. Parking is available in State Fair public parking lots for a fee.
Learn more about transportation
There is not grounds-wide Wi-Fi available. Select areas of the fairgrounds have free Wi-Fi for fair guests. Internet services for vendors must be ordered through the State Fair IT department. Cost varies depending on needs and location.
All vendors must provide a certificate of insurance including general liability. The policy dates must cover the dates of the fair and must note the Minnesota State Fair as additional insured.
No, but you may rent from any vendor of your choice.
We recommend that you inquire early about camping, as space is very limited on the fairgrounds. Camping is not guaranteed for vendors. Please make arrangements by contacting
Vendors selling or sampling food must obtain the appropriate permits from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and/or the Minnesota Department of Health.
Due dates for payment depend on when the license for space is issued. Typically, the first half of the balance is due in April or two weeks after the license is offered.
All applications are kept on file for three years, but we do recommend that you update your application with current photos when necessary.
You may search for Minnesota sales tax information at
Please refer to our sponsorships page.