Aug. 21 – Labor Day, Sept. 1, 2025
180 Days 7 Hours 56 Mins
This information is for 2024 Minnesota State Fair licensed concessionaires and exhibitors. All information is subject to change.
Our Mission: To educate and involve our guests by providing a world-class showcase that is innovative, entertaining and fun.
We strive to:
The Minnesota State Fair has established a tradition of providing high-quality family entertainment that is clean, wholesome and fun, with a commitment to total guest satisfaction. As a member of the Minnesota State Fair team, you have been selected and licensed to help us continue the high standards established by this Great Minnesota Get-Together. We look forward to working with you to help carry on this tradition of excellence in your operation and the environment you help create.
This manual is designed to inform you of State Fair policies and procedures. This manual and Minnesota State Agricultural Society Rules are made a part of each license agreement by reference. Both are meant to foster better fair operations, and it is each licensee’s annual responsibility to be familiar with these policies, procedures and rules, including any changes throughout the year.
We hope your experience at the Minnesota State Fair is a pleasant one.
Accessibility Guest Services | |651-288-4448
Attractions Department | | 651-288-4456
Concessions & Exhibits Department | | 651-288-4456
Emergencies (fire, police, medical) | 911
Employment Center & Department | | 651-288-4475
Facilities/Operations Department | 651-288-4499
General Information | | 651-288-4400
Guest Relations | | 651-288-4559
Media & Marketing Department | | 651-288-4321
Midway Office | 651-288-4491
Police (Emergency) | 911
Police (Information) | 651-288-4500
Sanitation Department | 651-288-4442
Sponsorships | | 651-288-4306
Telephone Department (Orders) | 651-288-4457
Telephone Department (Repairs) | 651-642-2418
Ticket Office | | 651-288-4427
Touring Promotional Exhibits | | 651-288-4306
Utility Office | 651-288-4445
We are located in the Administration Building at 1292 Cosgrove St.
Superintendents are employed to assist concessionaires and exhibitors with setup and teardown, to interpret display guidelines, to respond to any questions and concerns you may have, and to ensure that rules and regulations are observed. They will make rounds to be of assistance and are your first point of contact immediately prior to and during the fair.
Reach out to for contact information.
Minnesota State Fair management reserves the right to interpret and apply these policies, procedures and rules as it deems appropriate in the best interest of the public and execution of the fair’s statutory duties.
The State Fair board of managers authorizes the licensing of privileges to serve the comfort, convenience, pleasure, needs and wishes of the State Fair’s large and diverse audience. Fair management reserves the right to prohibit the showing of any attraction, exhibit, concession or animal that may be falsely entered or represented, or to remove any attraction, concession, exhibit, sign, display material, merchandise, animal or advertising if it is contrary to law or a violation of the State Fair’s valid interest in providing for the health, safety, protection and best interest of the public. Privileges will not be licensed, nor will business pursuits be permitted, which are not conducted safely, ethically and in a manner consistent with the mission of the fair, as determined by the State Fair. The board of managers and concessions & exhibits department staff will use every precaution to guard against extortion practiced upon patrons of the State Fair.
A violation of the terms and conditions of a license agreement or the rules, policies and procedures of the Minnesota State Agricultural Society (Minnesota State Fair) in its Rules and/or Concessions & Exhibits Manual may cause the full amount of a license to become due and lead to a revocation and forfeiture of all privileges granted to a licensee, in which case all sums paid or to be paid shall become the property of the Minnesota State Agricultural Society as liquidated damages, and cause will be created for expulsion of the licensee from the fairgrounds as fair management may direct. The Society shall have a lien on all property kept, used or situated upon premises assigned for licensee use on the State Fairgrounds for any unpaid fees due to the Society and any damages sustained by the Society by breach of license by a licensee.
State Fair license agreements, any portion(s) of them, as well as the privileges, duties, responsibilities, obligations and interests granted therein, may not be assigned, sublet, sold, transferred, devised by will, hypothecated or otherwise disposed of, except with the written consent of the Minnesota State Fair. Licensees may not subcontract or sublet space or license privileges to any other person or firm. Obligations provided for in licenses, including, but not limited to, payments for insurance, utilities and/or special services, shall remain the obligation of the initial licensee regardless of approved assignment.
Licenses are issued to, and in the name of, a company, corporation, organization, institution, agency or individual (of legal age) with a designated principal (i.e., owner, president, CEO or executive director). Principals must be of legal age. The principal has primary legal and decision-making authority and responsibility, must sign the license agreement and all related business documents, and the physical, on-site presence of the license principal, or State Fair approved agent of the license principal, is a condition precedent to the granting of a license.
The license principal may request authorization from the State Fair to have a secondary agent (i.e., manager, division or department head, assistant or secretary) designated on a license to speak for and conduct day-to-day exhibit, concession or attraction business on behalf of the license principal, on-site at the fair in the absence of the license principal, but the agent may not execute (sign) a license on behalf of the license principal. Agents must be of legal age. Also, if or when a license principal is no longer willing, able or interested and discontinues active involvement in daily exhibit, concession or attraction operation, the secondary agent does not ascend to become the license principal; the license becomes null and void, and the State Fair reserves the right to assess and appraise the continued viability of the exhibit, concession or attraction and its operation.
In the event a licensee should sell all or part of its concession, exhibit or attraction business to a third party and/or the current owner(s) should, for any reason, cease to be active in the daily management and operation of same, the State Fair, at its sole option, shall have the right to terminate the license by giving the licensee written notice of cancellation.
All licensees are independent contractors in their relationship with the Minnesota State Fair. All aspects of a licensee’s operation, including, but not limited to, staff conduct and appearance, maintenance of appropriate and reasonable sound levels, handling consumer complaints, hours of operation and any other requirements placed on the licensee by the State Fair are the responsibility of the licensee.
Concessionaires and exhibitors agree to comply with all Minnesota State Fair policies and protocols (including health, safety and security) in place at the time of the 2024 State Fair and acknowledge that policies and protocols may be updated between time of license being issued and the State Fair.
All exhibits, concessions and attractions on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds are licensed and regulated by the fair’s concessions & exhibits department. All license information, such as business name, address, telephone number(s), email address, etc., is public record and available to the public upon request.
Each license is issued for the exhibition or sale of specific goods, products and/or services. You may only sell or exhibit what has been approved in writing and is reflected on your license agreement. You may not advertise or distribute information on behalf of any third party. The sale or exhibition of unapproved products or services may result in license cancellation. Requests for product adjustments or additions must be received by June 6, 2024. (The deadline is May 1 for food and beverage products.)
The Minnesota State Fair does not grant exclusivity to any commercial exhibitor or concessionaire for any product or service.
The State Fair shall designate the area(s) where each licensee may present their attraction, concession and/or exhibit during the State Fair. The location(s) shall be selected solely by the Minnesota State Fair through its authorized agents or officers, who shall at all times have free access to each licensee’s area(s) of operation for the purpose of inspection and to ensure compliance with license terms and conditions, as well as State Fair rules, policies and procedures.
All licenses specify the maximum size of subject concession, exhibit and attraction sites, and all business dealings are to be conducted within the confines of the site designated on the license agreement. No structure, stand or booth may exceed the dimensional limits indicated on the license. Products, displays, signs and/or equipment may not be stored or placed outside or on the exterior of any concession or exhibit without the prior approval of the concessions & exhibits department.
The site(s) assigned for use under any license may not be occupied until the original copy of the license has been signed by the license principal whose name appears on the agreement, and it is returned to the concessions & exhibits department with the required payment. Consult your license for specifics regarding license fees, deposit deadlines, etc.
If your electric, sewer or water consumption requirements are beyond the amount specified in your request for utilities, an addendum will be made to your license to recover the cost for added service. Please be sure at the time you request these services that all requirements have been considered.
An addendum may also be made to your license for insurance coverage if an acceptable insurance certificate is not submitted to the concessions & exhibits department by the date specified. In this case, the fair will provide coverage through its group insurance policy for an added fee. (Reference insurance information below.)
A utility assessment program is in place to fund proper maintenance, expansion and upkeep of fairgrounds utilities (water, sewer and electric infrastructure), and a reasonable portion of these system costs is shared by concessionaires and exhibitors. Assessments are based on site front footage and a rate structure based on level of demand for each form of utility. All concessionaires and exhibitors participate at one of four rate levels. Assessment billings are based on the licensee’s site size and utility service consumption from the previous year. This does not apply in the first year as a licensee, but will for all subsequent years.
The environmental assessment program defrays a reasonable portion of state and county taxes levied based on how much trash is generated by fair operations. All concessionaires and exhibitors participate in this program at one of four rate levels, and the rate structure is based on the type of license issued.
All concessionaires and exhibitors participate in both assessment programs.
Misrepresentation or sublet of any type, including, but not limited to, attraction, exhibit or concession ownership, products and/or services offered, operation, mechanical condition or appearance shall be grounds for license cancellation, forfeiture of any payments made and immediate removal from the State Fairgrounds. Additionally, the affected licensee shall waive all claims for damages against the State Fair, its officers, agents and employees.
The State Fair operates an “all pay” gate. Each person entering the fairgrounds, including employees and delivery personnel, must have an admission ticket each day. No passes or complimentary tickets of any kind are provided by the State Fair.
Vendor discount gate admission tickets are available to licensed concessionaires and exhibitors only for $14 each when ordered by mail or online via the link in your exhibitor portal. Payment for such tickets must be received by Aug. 8 for orders to be mailed, or Aug. 12 for orders to be picked up at the State Fair Ticket Office on the fairgrounds. Order forms will be mailed to licensed concessionaires & exhibitors in early June. If you have not received your order form contact the ticket office at 651-288-4427 for a copy.
Concessionaires & exhibitors only may also purchase pre-fair discount gate admission tickets over the counter for $15 each at the State Fair Ticket Office located at 1640 Como Avenue, Tuesday, Aug. 1, through Wednesday, Aug. 21. Tickets purchased over the counter are subject to limits. Please call the ticket office for more information.
Concessionaires & exhibitors and their staff will need an admission ticket for each day they wish to enter the State Fair.
Licensed concessionaires and exhibitors can purchase vendor parking vouchers for $20 each. Parking is subject to availability. You will need a voucher for each day you wish to park in a State Fair parking lot. A parking voucher does not guarantee a parking space but does cover the cost of parking in a public State Fair lot if space is available. Vehicles with reserved supply vehicle permits will not be required to have vendor parking vouchers.
Admission tickets and parking vouchers are not refundable.
Monday–Friday, Aug. 1 through Aug. 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday, Aug. 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a.m. to noon
Pre-fair discount Mighty Midway and Kidway Ride & Game Fun Cards and Blue Ribbon Bargain Books are also available at the ticket office.
During the fair, admission tickets ($14) and parking vouchers ($20) can be purchased via sales kiosk in the Concessions Check-in Office, or at the ticket office located at 1640 Como Avenue. There will be a limited number of reserved parking spaces for ticket buyers visiting the ticket office during the fair and parking attendants will be screening vehicles entering this lot. It is recommended to flash your lights to the attendants when entering this lot to indicate that your are visiting the ticket office. Prices noted are not valid at gates or public online purchase links.
No concession, exhibit or attraction may be open prior to 7 a.m. on the first day of the State Fair without the prior written consent of the concessions & exhibits department.
The expectation of fair guests is that they are entitled to experience the fair in its entirety regardless of the day and time they visit the State Fair. All exhibitors and concessionaires have an obligation to have their concessions, exhibits, attractions and display areas open, staffed and in full operation every day of the State Fair during the following hours.
All exhibit buildings and areas of the fairgrounds (including the North End (north of Dan Patch Avenue)) will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily (8 p.m. on Labor Day), except as noted below.
*Daily closing times may vary. Ticket booths close 1/2 hour before rides and games close.
All concessions, exhibits, attractions and display areas must be closed and shuttered from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. daily unless authorized by the concessions & exhibits department.
All concessions, exhibits, attractions and displays must be open, staffed and in full operation until 8 p.m. or the designated closing time noted above.
In the event of rain, outside exhibitors and concessionaires may cover and protect their merchandise but must continue to staff their exhibit or concession. (Note: Ticketed attractions and Mighty Midway and Kidway rides and attractions may adhere to other weather policies. Please consult with your assigned Minnesota State Fair representative.) We encourage every vendor to have their own severe weather policy/plan for their exhibit or concession. If there is an imminent threat due to severe weather, the State Fair empowers each vendor to implement their policy/plan, which may include shutting down the exhibit or concession and seeking shelter if necessary. Unless the State Fair issues a fairgrounds-wide directive to shut down and seek shelter, exhibitors and concessionaires may choose to continue operation. Once severe weather has passed (if your business chose to halt operation), you must reopen for business for the remainder of operating hours. Important updates will be listed on the Updates page of the State Fair website. We also encourage all vendors to sign up for our Emergency Texting Service, where we may share important updates. To sign up, please email
For vendors located within a severe weather shelter, please note that you may see an influx of guests during a severe weather event. Additionally, severe weather shelters can be utilized after core operating hours (9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for most buildings), and the building is subject to reopen even though concessions and exhibits have already closed for the day. Please ensure your merchandise is secure in the case of such an event.
We encourage every vendor to have their own safety and security policy/plan for their exhibit or concession. If there is an imminent safety or security threat, the State Fair empowers each vendor to implement their policy/plan, which may include shutting down the exhibit or concession and seeking shelter if necessary. Once the safety or security threat has passed (if your business chose to halt operation), you must reopen for business for the remainder of operating hours. Please note that it is our expectation that all vendors are open from 9 a.m to 9 p.m. daily (8 p.m. on Labor Day). The Minnesota State Fair has the authority to issue a fairgrounds-wide or targeted area directive to shut down, which vendors must comply with if directed to. We encourage all vendors to sign up for our Emergency Texting Service, where we may share important updates. We will email sign up instructions this summer.
Persons working in any concession or exhibit are considered the employees of the licensee. Licensees are responsible for the acts, errors, omissions, representations, appearance, conduct and behavior of their employees. Licensees are also responsible for their employees’ compensation and unemployment coverage, social security taxes and other federal and state employment requirements. Independent contractor relationships or subleases between license holders and their employees are prohibited.
Licensees and their staff must be clean and neat in their personal appearance, hygiene and dress at all times during the operation of any concession or exhibit. Wearing uniform apparel is encouraged and should be provided whenever possible.
Impolite, foul or abusive language or conduct will not be tolerated, nor will the use of alcoholic beverages or drugs while on duty.
The Minnesota State Fair strongly supports the human dignity of each individual. It therefore condemns, opposes and will not tolerate any behavior from any member of its community which constitutes discourtesy toward or unnecessary touching of fair employees and/or fair guests, sexual harassment, offensive behavior or workplace violence.
Licensees who wish to have personnel stay in their concession, exhibit, building or at their display site overnight (between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.) must first submit a list of personnel to the concessions & exhibits department for approval. Grounds permit identification badges will be issued to approved personnel and must be worn at all times. Personnel must remain in the area to which they are assigned.
Licensees who are planning to hire their own off-duty officers or security staff must receive pre-approval from the Minnesota State Fair Police Department.
Please email Assistant Police Chief Michael Coffey at with the following information by Aug. 9, 2024:
After we review your information, we will send an email in response to your request.
Public safety personnel will be patrolling the grounds throughout the night. Unauthorized or unidentified persons will be asked to leave the grounds immediately.
The Minnesota State Fair assumes no responsibility for any accident, injury or mishap which may befall you, your employees or fair guests.
The State Fair will not be responsible for losses or the security and protection of property and merchandise belonging to license holders anywhere on the fairgrounds. Minnesota State Fair Police will provide general patrol duties from Monday, Aug. 5 through Wednesday, Sept. 4. However, it is strongly advised that license holders take adequate steps to prevent theft or damage to their property. Any loss or damage should be reported to State Fair Police at 651-288-4500 immediately upon detection.
Licensees shall waive any claims against the State Fair for liability arising out of any damage done to their concession, exhibit, products or property from any cause. The risk of loss occasioned by all the operations, installations, acts, errors and omissions of the licensee or the employees and agents of the licensee on the State Fairgrounds shall be that of the licensee, not the State Fair. Licensees shall not seek contribution, damages or indemnification from the State Fair for any loss so occasioned.
Licensees shall assume all liability for injury to persons, including death, and for damage to property arising from accidents or other causes incident to movement, setup, teardown and operation of their exhibit or concession on the State Fairgrounds and release the State Fair from any liability, including, but not limited to, liability for licensee’s employees and to its workers’ compensation insurance carrier for injuries sustained by licensee’s employees in the course and scope of their employment.
It shall be the duty of licensees, support equipment and service contractors, and their insurers, to protect, defend with counsel acceptable to State Fair, indemnify and hold the Minnesota State Fair harmless from all damages, costs, attorney and court fees, and other claims arising out of their actions, errors, omissions, movement, set up, tear down and operation of their exhibit, concession or support equipment and/or provision of service(s) on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.
Effective for 2024, all Licensees participating in the 2024 Minnesota State Fair will be included in the Minnesota State Fair’s (the Society) commercial general liability (“CGL Group Policy”) insurance coverage provided under the master insurance policy (unless they are part of the Excluded List, see corresponding section below). This measure is implemented to ensure the safety and security of all fair attendees, vendors and property. The primary goal of this policy update is to establish uniform insurance coverage across all concessionaires, thereby mitigating potential risks and liabilities associated with the fair’s operations. This policy applies to all Licensees (vendors, exhibitors and concessionaires) operating within the premises of the Minnesota State Fair.
If the Licensee is not eligible for the CGL Group Policy coverage, then Licensee must provide the Society with a certificate of liability insurance prior to July 1, 2024. The certificate must reflect additional insured status for the Society and Minnesota State Fair with limits no less than one million ($1,000,000) combined single limits per occurrence, two million ($2,000,000) annual aggregate, insuring against claims for bodily injury and property damage.
Failure to comply with these requirements will result in forfeiture of State Fair participation privileges. Licensees should refer to details in their licensing agreement as well.
The Society will have Licensees added to the CGL Group Policy (as applicable) at the time of licensing with the amount to be billed added to vendor booth fees (reference insurance rate chart below).
All insurance arrangements must be finalized by July 1, 2024. For Licensees whose licenses are issued after July 1, insurance details must be finalized within 15 days of the license issue date to ensure timely compliance with the policy.
Licensees must be included in the Minnesota State Fair’s master insurance policy to participate in the fair. Coverage under the master policy will provide protection against various liabilities, including property damage, bodily injury, and other unforeseen incidents.
While you are required to be included in the Minnesota State Fair’s master insurance policy (if you are eligible), you are welcome to source your own additional insurance coverage. If you have already submitted insurance for 2024, this insurance will be considered additional – you will still be included in and charged for the Minnesota State Fair’s master insurance policy. Vendors’ own insurance will be considered primary (see coverage hierarchy below).
While most Licensees are eligible for inclusion in the master insurance policy, certain categories/products are exempted due to inherent risks or specialized insurance requirements.
Excluded categories/products include, but are not limited to:
Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and additional categories/products may be subject to exclusion based on the discretion of the Society’s insurance provider.
The CGL Group Policy does not provide workers’ compensation coverage. All Licensees are required to provide a certificate giving proof of workers’ compensation insurance coverage in compliance with requirements of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 176 or provide evidence of their exemption to the Society by July 1, 2024. The exemption form can be found in the portal or at this link:
The CGL Group Policy does not provide auto coverage, so Licensees are responsible to obtain their own auto insurance policy for coverage if they operate a motor vehicle on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.
The insurance rate for inclusion in the Society’s master insurance policy is as follows:
First Licensee concession location |
$85 |
Each additional concession location for Licensee (each vendor/exhibitor) if applicable |
$50 |
The Society and The Minnesota State Fair shall have no duty to perform under this agreement until the above insurance requirements have been met.
In the event of any claims or incidents, the Licensee’s own insurance will be considered primary, with the Society’s master insurance policy serving as secondary coverage. However, this hierarchy only applies if the vendor also has their own insurance policy and is eligible for inclusion under the Society’s master policy.
Licensees may not move benches, picnic tables or trash/recycling containers placed by the State Fair for public use. The movement or damaging of any trees, shrubbery, flowers or other vegetation and decorations on the State Fairgrounds is also prohibited. Licensees may be charged for damage. Licensees are responsible for the maintenance, improvement, repair and restoration of their assigned site.
If you lay down wood chips or a similar covering, you must remove them and restore the space at the conclusion of the fair.
For the comfort and safety of all, designated smoking areas have been established at convenient locations throughout the fairgrounds. Smoking (including the use of e-cigarettes and vape pens) is permitted only in these areas. Consult a State Fair map for specific locations. Each designated smoking area consists of a bench and receptacle to safely deposit used cigarettes. If you, your employees or volunteers wish to smoke, we require that you utilize these designated smoking area(s) during the Minnesota State Fair. Smoking is strictly prohibited in all public buildings, in the seating area of all entertainment venues, including the Grandstand, Bandshell and Warner Coliseum, and in any indoor or outdoor food & beverage concession areas.
The display, sale, distribution or use of weapons (including, but not limited to, firearms, knives, whips, martial arts items, chains, studded jewelry, water pistols, pea and rubber band shooters), CBD & THC products, fireworks, drug paraphernalia, laser pens and pointers, pornographic or offensive materials of any type, including their use as game prizes, is prohibited unless such display, sale or distribution is specifically authorized under the terms of a license agreement executed by the State Fair. Use of live animals and cigarette lighters as game prizes is also prohibited. Decisions made by State Fair staff will be final.
State Fair employees are not allowed to accept any tip, gratuity, gift or merchandise, including food and/or beverages, from any concessionaire, exhibitor, supplier or fair guest. Offering any of these to fair employees will place your participation in the fair and their employment in jeopardy.
Tip jars are not allowed on any bar or service counter. Tips may not be solicited on any bar or service counter but can be accepted if offered and immediately removed from the sight of fair guests. Vendors who utilize electronic payment systems may accept tips electronically, but must provide the guest a clear and easy option to select no tip or opt out of tipping.
Donations or contributions may not be requested, solicited or accepted at the State Fair without the prior written approval of the concessions & exhibits department and execution of a license providing for payment of appropriate fees.
No raffles of any kind are allowed during the Minnesota State Fair.
No licensee shall sell or dispose of capital stock in any corporation, concern or organization of any name or character upon the State Fairgrounds.
The concessions & exhibits department must receive written notice of license cancellation by July 15, 2024, at which time any payments received will be applied to assessment fees invoiced with the license and the remaining balance refunded by Nov. 1. After July 15, all payments received by the fair will be forfeited.
Site(s) assigned for use by a licensee, but not properly set up and ready for business at 9 a.m. on the first day of the fair, as well as failure to have a site open for business and staffed during prescribed operation hours every day of the fair, shall be cause for the site to be forfeited and reassigned with fees previously paid for such license surrendered as liquidated damages.
The State Fairgrounds will be closed to all persons not involved in preparation for the fair beginning Aug. 5, 2024. Authorized persons may enter Gate #0 at Larpenteur and Hoyt avenues on the north side of the fairgrounds, or Gate #7 at Como Avenue and Underwood Street, or Gate #14 at Como Avenue and Canfield Street on the south side of the fairgrounds.
Setup in outdoor spaces may begin Aug. 5, unless otherwise approved by concessions and exhibits staff.
Exhibit buildings are open for setup three days prior to the fair during the following hours:
In some instances, earlier setup may be approved by the State Fair upon request by contacting the concessions & exhibits department.
Any site(s) assigned for use by a licensee must be in the process of setup by 7 p.m. the day before the fair opens and ready for business by 9 a.m. on the first day of the fair. If these deadlines are not met, the fair may reassign site(s) and retain previously paid fees as liquidated damages.
Overnight security personnel will be on duty in exhibit buildings from 10 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 21, through 8 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3.
Please observe these rules during fair preparation, setup, operation and teardown:
No exhibit, concession or display may be closed, left unattended or dismantled before 8 p.m. on the last day of the fair. Staff is instructed to prevent any attempt to dismantle exhibits before 8 p.m.
All concessions, exhibits and displays must remain staffed, fully intact and operational until 8 p.m. (8 p.m. at Kidway, 9 p.m. at Mighty Midway and Adventure Park).
Vehicles will be allowed through barricades for take down from 10 p.m. to midnight only (may vary).
Unless otherwise approved by the concessions & exhibits department, all personal property must be removed from exhibit buildings by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 3. Any personal property, temporary structures or portable equipment situated outdoors must be removed from the fairgrounds by Monday, Sept. 16 (personal property in the livestock area must be removed by Sept. 8), or it will be removed or torn down by the State Fair at the licensee’s expense. This includes all vinyl signs, banners, cardboard signs and/or other temporary removable signs. On Monday, Sept. 9, the fairgrounds will only be open on a limited basis. No staff or special services will be available.
Licensees may not change the initially posted price of any item of merchandise, food or beverage sold under their license without the prior written approval of concessions & exhibits department staff, unless previously approved in writing as part of an authorized State Fair promotion.
Coupons represent a change in price and, as such, any use of paper or digital coupons (including social media promotions), other than Minnesota State Fair-issued coupons (e.g., Blue Ribbon Bargain Book coupons), is not permitted.
The prices of all products and services (merchandise, food, beverages, services, etc.) sold or dispensed from any concession must be plainly marked in a visible manner. Price signs, tags or lists must be professionally produced, positioned in clear public view and be of a size and placement approved by the concessions & exhibits department.
Sales tax should be itemized separately on price signs, lists, menus and tags. If you include tax in the selling price, you must post a sign, or indicate on your menu, that “all prices include sales tax” so customers know they are being charged tax.
The fair establishes the boundaries for most indoor sites with back and side drapes. Back drapes are usually 8 feet tall, and side drapes are 3 feet tall. This will vary with some center aisle and perimeter wall booths. Concessionaires and exhibitors may be required to provide their own build-outs in certain facilities where no pipe and drape is provided. (Reference Indoor Booth Guidelines – Appendix C)
Showcases must be in good repair and adequately lighted. All tables and counters must be clean, neatly covered and professionally draped or finished to floor level on all sides exposed to the public. Storage or placement of merchandise must be confined to the licensee site and concealed from public view. Carpeting placed in booths must be clean, taped down on all edges and must not exceed the licensed booth size. Contact the concessions & exhibits department for current standards information.
Those licensed for exclusive use of space in a fair-owned building, or who have been approved to install permanent fixtures, displays or equipment in same, are responsible for fixture removal and site restoration, as well as maintenance and improvement (e.g., painting, cleaning, structural repairs, etc.), at their own expense.
Those licensed for outside sites are required to provide their own structure(s) and equipment, which must meet State Fair specifications and standards. Food and beverage concessions must also comply with the standards of the Minnesota Departments of Health or Agriculture. Contact the Minnesota Department of Health at 651-201-4500 or the Minnesota Department of Agriculture at 651-201-6027 for current standards information.
All stands and structures must be professionally constructed, in good repair, well-maintained, structurally sound, neat in appearance and meet current Minnesota Uniform Fire Code, as well as applicable State building, electrical, safety, disability access and sanitation codes. Structures not complying with the provisions of this policy may be ordered to be torn down and/or removed.
Services you may need, such as electricity, gas, water, sewer, etc., must be arranged for and undertaken at your own expense. Contact the concessions & exhibits department for more information.
All excess exhibit/concession boxes, cartons, window coverings, merchandise, etc. must be placed in an enclosed storage area out of public view. Visual screening to hide service equipment and storage from public view immediately adjacent to concessions and exhibits must have the prior approval of the Minnesota State Fair with respect to dimensions and appearance and, if approved, must be designed with complementary artwork and colors to blend with the appearance of the exhibit or concession.
Where appropriate, trailers and other portable concessions must have proper perimeter skirting to hide the undercarriage, wheels, chassis, trailer hitch, etc.
Anyone owning personal property on the State Fairgrounds, whether portable or fixed, must properly secure it during both the fair and non-fair periods. The concessions & exhibits department must be provided with keys for access to fixed facilities in the event of an emergency. Failure to do so will result in a request for removal of such property.
Keys for portable (temporary) facilities must be provided to the concessions & exhibits department when they are first placed on the fairgrounds. Utility services will not be provided without keys for access.
Tents, canopies, awnings or umbrellas will not be allowed in any exhibit building. If approved for outdoor use, tent structures must be made for commercial use and properly anchored. Call Gopher State One-Call at 800-252-1166 or at before pounding stakes.
Approval must be obtained from the State Fair for any work a licensee wishes to undertake on the fairgrounds, including all remodeling, new construction, maintenance, improvements, excavation, equipment or tent installation, whether to portable (temporary) or permanent facilities, particularly when involving utilities. This process requires approval by the concessions & exhibits department, from which the permit request form is available upon request. Forms for the work to be undertaken must be submitted along with photos, drawings, specifications and complete architectural plans signed by an architect, when required. If approved, a permit will be issued, and all permit fees must be paid before any work may be initiated.
Note: All installations which require excavation must have ground restoration by Aug. 1.
Minnesota State Statutes require anyone who engages in any type of excavation (e.g., digging, landscaping, planting, removal of shrubs or any ground materials, grading, leveling or pounding tent or guy wire stakes) to provide at least 72 hours advance notice, excluding weekends and holidays, to Gopher State One-Call. Please contact them at 651-454-0002 in the Twin Cities metro area or 800-252-1166 or at Note there are underground utilities, and any damage to these by vendors could be at vendor’s expense.
A request for electric, water, sewer and/or telephone service must be made each year, and licensees will be responsible for all utility consumption, service and assessment costs. Returning licensees will be charged utility fees based on their previous year’s usage. If there are changes to your utility needs, contact the utility department at 651-288-4445 or the telephone department at 651-288-4457.
During the course of the fair, each exhibit and concession site will be visited by utility department staff to verify utility service usage and consumption. Invoices or refunds will be issued for any variations from original charges.
All electrical work and wiring must meet the standards and requirements of the National Electric Code and the State of Minnesota. All substandard electrical equipment must be repaired or replaced at the licensee’s expense.
The following provisions also apply:
The State Fair does not assume responsibility for electrical failures of any kind or liability for costs and/or damages related to electrical failures, including, but not limited to, damage to equipment or property caused by drops or increases in power supply, low voltage or power surges, loss of profits or revenue, loss of equipment use, cost of capital, cost of temporary equipment (including additional expenses incurred in using existing facilities), claims of customers of the licensee, or for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages due to interruption or fluctuation in electrical service on the fairgrounds.
To obtain specific information with respect to electrical work and application of the National Electric Code at the Minnesota State Fair, please contact the State Fair’s director of operations, Sean Casey, at 651-288-4436, or electrical inspector, Steve Kletschka, at 507-330-0886.
All plumbing, sewer and water work must have the prior approval of the concessions & exhibits department and must be performed by licensed plumbing contractors. All substandard plumbing, sewer and water equipment and work must be repaired or replaced at the licensee’s expense.
The following provisions also apply:
Water and sewer service is available from Aug. 1 to Sept. 13. There will be an added charge for water and/or sewer service needed prior to Aug. 1 or after Sept. 13, and for those approved to open for business prior to the first day of the fair or that place a high demand on such services, in an amount sufficient to cover the increased costs.
The State Fair does not assume responsibility for water or sewer service failures of any kind or liability for costs and/or damages related to water or sewer service failures, including, but not limited to, damage to equipment or property caused by drops or increases in water supply, water surges, sewer backups and blockages, loss of profits or revenue, loss of equipment use, cost of capital, cost of temporary equipment (including additional expenses incurred in using existing facilities), claims of customers of the licensee, or for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages due to interruption or fluctuation in water or sewer service on the fairgrounds.
Direct questions regarding plumbing, water or sewer service to the State Fair’s director of operations, Sean Casey, at 651-288-4436.
The State Fair does not assume responsibility for gas service failures of any kind or liability for costs and/or damages related to gas service failures, including, but not limited to, damage to equipment or property caused by changes in gas supply, loss of profits or revenue, loss of equipment use, cost of capital, cost of temporary equipment (including additional expenses incurred in using existing facilities), claims of customers of the licensee, or for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages due to interruption or fluctuation in gas service on the fairgrounds.
Sound systems (e.g., loudspeakers, amplifiers, radios, broadcasting devices, live music, music systems or instruments) may not be used or operated unless permission is first obtained from the concessions & exhibits department. If approved, systems and equipment will be controlled as to volume levels, operation hours, location and manner of operation by the Minnesota State Fair. Approved sound and music systems or instruments (e.g., pianos, guitars, etc.) must be kept at volume levels that do not disturb normal business in nearby attractions, exhibits, concessions or activities. State Fair management discretion will be final, and they reserve the right to revoke permission if these provisions are not observed. (If you would like to use sound equipment of any kind, check with the concessions & exhibits department for approval and further details regarding proper operation methods, hours and decibel levels.)
Product and service demonstrations, “pitches” or “grind tapes” are not permitted unless specifically approved by the concessions & exhibits department with respect to time, place, manner, content and sound volume. Demonstration booth patrons should not block aisles. If your demonstration draws a crowd, patrons should be encouraged to gather within your licensed site, and/or your booth should be altered to keep aisles open.
The MINNESOTA STATE FAIR® & Logos, MIGHTY MIDWAY®, KIDWAY®, THE GREAT MINNESOTA GET-TOGETHER®, TWELVE DAYS OF FUN ENDING LABOR DAY®, BLUE RIBBON BARGAIN BOOK®, Fairscape Logo, and Fairchild & Fairborne Mascot are trademarks of Minnesota State Agricultural Society, dba Minnesota State Fair, and are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Any and all Minnesota State Fair and related branding or logo usage MUST be approved with written consent from the Minnesota State Fair. To seek approval for usage on websites, social media, print materials, products and more, please reach out to the sales team for pre-approval and also email Learn more.
You may not advertise or distribute information about anything other than products/services specifically approved and indicated on your license agreement, nor are you allowed to advertise or promote your products, services or booth at any location on the fairgrounds other than your licensed site.
All signs, banners, posters, etc. must be professionally made, neat in appearance and of a size, type and placement approved by the concessions & exhibits department prior to the first day of the fair. Banners must be hung taut within the designated exhibit space.
All signs and product displays must be placed inside your assigned site and may not be affixed to any exhibit building walls or pillars. Advertising outside your site or on trees, gates, light poles, etc., is strictly forbidden.
Licensees may not advertise any product by brand name, trademark or trade name on or facing the outside of any concession or exhibit, unless prior approval is obtained from concessions & exhibits department staff. Such advertising shall generally be restricted to menu boards that are placed well inside concessions. Menus may be posted on the outside of concession stands, provided they are professional in appearance and do not list any item by the manufacturer’s brand name or trademark. Suppliers may furnish suitable signs for placement inside concessions and exhibits if approved by concessions & exhibits department staff with respect to size, type, placement and manner of display.
No ‘A’ boards or freestanding sign boards will be permitted unless approved by the concessions & exhibits department. No gummed or adhesive-backed labels, stickers or signs are allowed on the fairgrounds. The use of hand-lettered or felt-marker signs is not allowed.
The following rules apply to all sign-up-to-win prize drawings held at the State Fair:
Prize drawing and giveaways registration forms can be found on the Exhibitor Portal and must be returned to the concessions & exhibits department for review and approval prior to the deadline noted on the form.
Any promotion a licensee wishes to undertake associated with their exhibit or concession must have the prior approval of the concessions & exhibits department.
Any item given away as a prize or used as a free handout or sample (e.g., rulers, pens, pencils, temporary tattoos, creams, lotions, etc.) must be approved by the concessions & exhibits department before supplies are ordered. No gummed or adhesive-backed labels, stickers or signs are allowed on the fairgrounds. To request approval, complete the appropriate form and return it on or before June 14, 2024. There are companies on the fairgrounds that pay for the privilege of selling certain items, and we must honor their licenses by not allowing free distribution of the same or similar items. Printed literature handouts relative to the products and/or services listed on one’s license agreement do not need to be submitted for review and approval.
Any licensee who wishes to offer free food or beverage samples (including water) must seek permission from the Minnesota State Fair and secure required permits from the Minnesota Department of Health at 651-201-4500 and/or Minnesota Department of Agriculture at 651-201-6027 (subject to fees). Sample size must be limited to 2 oz. or less.
In order to prevent misconceptions or spread of misinformation, it is essential that all information given to the media comes from a single source. Never speculate or repeat rumors. As a concessionaire or exhibitor, you may speak on behalf of your business. However, you may not speak or post on social media on behalf of the Minnesota State Fair. All media personnel and inquiries should be directed to the marketing department’s media relations team at
The fair’s marketing department promotes the State Fair as a whole, working closely with representatives of newspapers, magazines and radio and television stations throughout the region. If you have a story idea that you think may interest the media, please contact the marketing department at
You are also encouraged to market your business. We invite you to use the “Fair-Time Marketing and Promotion Resources for Vendors and Exhibitors” document created by the marketing department especially for concessionaires and exhibitors.
Beginning in mid-August, descriptions of concessions and exhibits are posted in the Fair Finder at and the Minnesota State Fair app. Descriptions in the Fair Finder exist as a service to guests wishing to locate specific products or services on the fairgrounds and are offered to concessionaires and exhibitors free of charge as a promotional tool. It is recommended that all vendors view their entry prior to the start of the fair. If you have suggested changes or corrections to your concession/exhibit entry on the Fair Finder, please email Your changes will be reviewed and posted, subject to approval by the concessions & exhibits and marketing departments.
For other marketing questions, please email
This free printed and digital publication is a great opportunity to promote prize drawings, special day promotions (e.g., Opening Day, Seniors Day, Military Appreciation Day, etc.) and free giveaway items. All approved Deals, Drawings & Giveaways promotions submitted by the deadline of June 14th will be listed in the guide, which is distributed for free at all information booths and To be considered and promoted, the registration form on the Exhibitor Portal must be completed and submitted to the concessions & exhibits department by the deadline.
All gate admission discount days are subject to change. Participating in a special promotional day by offering a discount is optional. Should you choose to participate in one or all of the promotional days by offering a deal or discount, your deal(s) will be listed in the Deals, Drawings & Giveaways Guide (distributed free at all information booths and and in the Fair Finder at and the Minnesota State Fair app. You will also receive a booth sign that designates your participation.
• Opening Day – Thursday, Aug. 22
Opening Day features reduced gate admission for adults (13-64) and kids (5-12), as well as all-day discounts on Mighty Midway and Kidway rides and games. This promotional day is a great way to kick off the fair by offering a special deal or discount on your product(s).
• Seniors Day – Monday, Aug. 26 and Thursday, Aug. 29
Seniors Day features special deals and discounts offered by concessionaires for all fair guests and reduced gate admission for seniors (65+). In addition, early bird specials are offered for everyone until 1 p.m. on Mighty Midway and Kidway rides and games.
• Military Appreciation Day – Tuesday, Aug. 27
The Minnesota State Fair salutes and honors active, retired and veteran United States military for their service to our country with a day of admission discounts and special activities and deals for all fair guests. Service members and their families are admitted for $13 by presenting proof of U.S. Military service when purchasing a ticket at the gate. Additionally, all-day discounts for everyone on Mighty Midway and Kidway rides and games are offered.
• Kids Day – Wednesday, Aug. 28 and Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 2
This special day features special deals and discounts offered by concessionaires for everyone, admission discounts at the gate for kids (5-12). All-day discounts are also offered for all fair guests on Mighty Midway and Kidway rides and games.
• Last Chance Deals – Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 2
This is the last day for concessionaires to offer food or merchandise discounts. All participants will be included in a “Last Chance” flier at all information booths and will be listed at and in the Fair Finder. Special booth signs that designate the offering of a “Last Chance” deal will be given to all participating concessionaires. All other signage must be approved by the concessions & exhibits department. Note: this application is available annually in late summer.
The Blue Ribbon Bargain Book is a coupon book produced in the spring by the State Fair. It is available for guests to purchase in the summer leading up to the fair and during the fair through Labor Day, Sept. 2. The coupon book offers discounts on items from participating concessionaires. Applications are available annually in February. Details are available by calling Lara Hughes in the marketing department at 651-288-4453.
Licensees should advise those delivering their equipment, etc. to access the fairgrounds via Snelling Avenue (State Highway 51) to Hoyt Avenue; west on Hoyt Avenue into the fairgrounds and proceed straight ahead.
The State Fair cannot accept your deliveries. If you are having merchandise or equipment shipped for use at the State Fair, please have one of your employees at the fairgrounds to receive the delivery. If it is not possible for you or your representative to be here, have the delivery company hold your shipment(s) for you at its local office until you contact them with an exact location, date and time when you will be at the fairgrounds to accept deliveries.
To be sure your packages are delivered to you in a timely manner, they must be labeled:
Your company name
C/O Minnesota State Fair
Your concession/exhibit location (such as Grandstand Space 279)
1265 Snelling Ave. N.
St. Paul, MN 55108
Your company name
C/O Minnesota State Fair
Your concession/exhibit location (such as Underwood St. Blk 24 Lot 16, 17)
1265 Snelling Ave. N.
St. Paul, MN 55108
No motorized vehicles will be allowed to make on-grounds deliveries between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. any day of the fair. On-grounds passage for deliveries will be allowed before 8 a.m. and after 11 p.m. each day (hours subject to change) via the Transitway, west of the Canfield Gate (#14) off Como Avenue. All vehicles must complete their deliveries and be off the streets and out of barricaded areas of the fairgrounds by 8 a.m. On Labor Day, no vehicles will be allowed inside barricaded areas of the fairgrounds for teardown/removal until 10 p.m. (Subject to change).
If you are delivering merchandise to your own concession or exhibit before 8 a.m. or after 11 p.m., you must enter as instructed on your entry permit credentials and present an admission ticket.
No deliveries by motorized vehicles will be allowed inside any exhibit building at any time of day during the fair.
The State Fair has central recycling stations around the fairgrounds for the materials listed below. Contact the concessions & exhibits department for the location of the recycling stations nearest you. Please observe the following recycling guidelines carefully, and do not place recyclable materials into trash receptacles or garbage vats at any time:
Trash removal and sanitation services will be provided for setup and teardown from Aug. 1 to Sept. 15. There will be an added charge for trash removal or sanitation service needed prior to Aug. 1 or after Sept. 15, and for licensees approved to be open for business prior to the first day of the fair or that generate an extraordinary amount of trash. Contact the operations department regarding trash disposal prior to Aug. 1 and after Sept. 15 at 651-288-4499.
All licensees must keep their facilities, equipment and the area surrounding their exhibit or concession in a clean and sanitary condition at all times and are responsible for disposal or recycling of their trash. Trash vats are located around the fairgrounds for this purpose. If you see trash on the ground, pick it up and dispose of it properly.
Inside exhibit buildings, if a trash vat is not within easy access from your concession or exhibit, you may deposit refuse in the aisles each evening after the building closes. State Fair staff will clean buildings each evening after the buildings close.
Public trash receptacles or barrels and recycling containers may not be moved without State Fair authorization. Use of State Fair barrels and recycling containers inside of concessions and/or exhibits is prohibited. Licensees must provide their own trash receptacles for personal use. Food concession operators providing a seating area must provide their own trash receptacles and container liners. Emptying receptacles and keeping seating areas clean is the sole responsibility of the licensee.
Garbage containing food waste must be stored in tightly sealed, non-absorbent containers. Please do not use public trash receptacles or barrels for food and/or food prep waste from your concession. Compost containers are located throughout the grounds for recycling of food waste. If you have further questions about food waste and composting, contact
Concessionaires and exhibitors may not deposit any grey water, fluid, wastewater or other liquids onto the ground or into the street or storm gutter/sewer. Fluids (not grease/oils) must be discharged into approved sanitary sewer systems or centralized holding tanks placed throughout the fairgrounds.
Licensees exhibiting or operating power-driven machinery or tools must comply with OSHA Safety and Health Administration Standards and requirements for presenting, operating and guarding such power-driven machinery and tools.
In the event of an emergency (accident, incident, crisis, fire, etc.), immediately contact the appropriate emergency service(s) at the number(s) listed below.
All incidents or injuries of any type must be reported to the concessions & exhibits office immediately, with a written report filed by the licensee and/or their employee(s) involved.
All posted parking and traffic regulations are in effect year-round.
Parking in the State Fair’s public parking lots costs $20. Parking in all State Fairgrounds lots opens at 6 a.m. and is filled on a first-come basis. As parking lots fill, gates will be closed to vehicles, or vehicles may be directed to another gate where parking may still be available. Vehicles are placed in parking spaces during the State Fair at the owner’s risk. Parking prices are subject to change.
A lot is available for motorcycles off Como Avenue near the International Institute from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily. Parking in this lot is $15; motorcycle parking in other State Fair lot costs $20.
Those who ride a bicycle to the fair can park in one of three free bike corrals near the Loop Gate off Como Avenue (Gate 9); Hoyt-Snelling (Gate 3) or Randall-Buford Gate (reference a State Fair map).
Vehicle traffic is prohibited on the fairgrounds between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. during the fair.
During the fair, vehicle parking and traffic in certain areas within the fairgrounds will be restricted during certain hours each day or prohibited without a special permit.
Parking is prohibited on all fairgrounds streets and in parking lots between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. No overnight parking is permitted on the fairgrounds. For the location of overnight and long-term parking, as well as off-site parking for empty trucks and trailers, contact the concessions & exhibits department.
Only golf carts or similar delivery vehicles authorized and permitted by the State Fair may be used on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. Privately owned golf carts or similar vehicles are not allowed on the State Fairgrounds.
Public parking lots are located around the State Fairgrounds. No specially designated on-grounds parking area is set aside for licensees and their employees. Licensees and their employees (staying off-grounds) are encouraged to use the State Fair Park & Ride or Express Buses. Learn more.
The State Fair contracts with an official decorator and supplier of convention services. They rent tables, chairs, carpet, counters, stools, drapes, table skirts and covers, booth equipment and provide other services. The official State Fair decorating company has an office on the fairgrounds from mid-August through Labor Day in the Commissary Building. To contact our official decorator, Fern, contact 612-396-6401 for Terri. Starting the week of the fair, you can contact Jessica Mulheron 763-458-7212, For further information, contact the concessions & exhibits department.
The State Fair operates an Employment Center June through August as a resource for potential applicants and employers. The Employment Center staff can assist you in creating a job order, finding applicants, and coordinating and scheduling interviews for you to conduct. All employers utilizing the Employment Center must follow the rules and guidelines of the employment department. The last day to contact the Employment Center to schedule interviews is Friday, Aug. 16, by 4 p.m. For more information on the Employment Center call 651-288-4475, email or learn more.
The Employment Center operates in full compliance with federal and state laws. Persons registering for work are referred without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability (physical, mental or sensory) citizenship status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, being a member of a local human rights commission, receiving public assistance or familial status.
The provisions of the Minnesota Fair Labor Standards Act cover all persons employed at the State Fair. For further information regarding wages, labor laws, etc., contact the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, 443 Lafayette Road N., St. Paul, MN 55155; phone 651-284-5005, 800-342-5354 or visit
License holders should remember that the State Fair operates an “all pay” outside gate. Your employees will be held responsible for their admission to the fairgrounds each day. Licensees must provide employees with tickets of admission or monetary reimbursement to cover such cost, in addition to their regular rate of pay, to ensure employee pay of at least the minimum wage. (See Gate Admission) As an employer, you may not deduct from your staff’s wages for breakages, cash shortages, tools and/or uniforms. Visit for more information.
In an effort to maintain a safe environment for fair guests, the Minnesota State Fair suggests that all employers conduct background checks on their employees.
Minnesota law does not require an employer to provide a specific amount of employee break time, but employers are required by law to allow an employee to use the nearest restroom once every four hours and sufficient time to eat a meal once every eight hours. Breaks of less than 20 minutes must be paid. Breaks of 20 minutes or more are considered to be on the employee’s time and do not require compensation.
Employees who quit must be paid within the following pay period, not to exceed a total of 20 calendar days after the employee’s final day of employment. Employees who are fired must be paid within 24 hours. (See Minnesota Statute 181.14)
Licensees must pay their employees no less than the Minnesota minimum wage for all hours worked, and employee pay in a given work week must meet the minimum wage rate ($10.85 per hour) regardless of the method of compensation.
For exceptions to the minimum wage rule, please refer to Hours worked include training time, waiting time, rest periods of less than 20 minutes and any other time the employee must be at work. This includes “on-call time,” i.e., any time an employee is required to remain on the employer’s premises or so close that the employee cannot use the time effectively for their own purposes.
Please refer to federal and state guidelines regarding minimum wage laws and contact the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry with specific questions regarding employee wages. Some helpful information can be found at
Forklift service (5,000 lb. capacity/20 ft. reach) is available through the operations department on a first-come basis and you must make an appointment. To request this service, please call 651-288-4499. The forklift charge is $90 per hour, including operator (minimum one-hour charge). Minnesota State Fair forklifts may not be rented without a State Fair operator. The fair cannot assume responsibility for damage or accidents involving the use of State Fair forklifts and personnel. Vendors assume responsibility for securing their load(s), as well as proper positioning and placement of the load on the forklift. To expedite forklift service, please have your license name, license number, block number, site number, building and/or street address available when calling to request service. Failure to call and cancel your reservation or failure to be present and/or on time for your appointment may result in a charge to your account.
(Minnesota Statutes #325G.06 through #325G.11)
All licensees are required to comply with the Home Solicitation Sales Act, which applies to the sale of non-agricultural consumer goods and services at a price greater than $25 made at a location other than the seller’s normal place of business.
All retailers/sellers at the fair should be knowledgeable of the statute’s principal provisions that follow:
Additional information regarding the Home Solicitation Sales Act may be obtained from the Minnesota State Attorney General’s Citizen Assistance Division by calling 651-296-3353 or 800-657-3787.
All food and beverage concessionaires must obtain a current State of Minnesota Food License. Before operation begins, contact the Department of Health at 651-201-4500 or the Department of Agriculture at 651-201-6027 for license application information and their standards for proper operation.
All food and beverage concessions must comply with current Minnesota Department of Health Food Service Rules (Chapter 4626).
Each concessionaire licensed to sell, distribute, offer samples or handle any type of food or beverage products (including bottled water), whether prepared on-site or pre-packaged, must have at least one person on staff with current certification by an acceptable food manager training course. Certification must be posted in the licensee’s concessions stand(s).
Employees must maintain their hands in a clean and sanitary condition per current Department of Health and Department of Agriculture procedures.
Use of tobacco in any form while working in or operating a food and beverage concession is prohibited.
All products must be served in an appropriate container or wrapping, and proper utensils, straws and/or napkins must be readily available for public use. Condiments must be available at an accessible height to accommodate persons with disabilities. Condiment stations must be maintained in a clean manner.
The public is to be provided with free tap water upon request. You may not charge for the cup supplied for this purpose.
All food supplies and ice must come from an approved commercial source. No home food preparation or use of food stored at home is allowed. Ice must be cubed, block or crushed and be sealed in a bag at the point of manufacture.
The State Fair is the sole supplier of all beverage cups to be used on the State Fairgrounds. Food and beverage concessionaires must serve all beverages in State Fair-approved containers. Cups must be purchased from the cup warehouse.
Liquid beverages may not be dispensed, nor carried on the fairgrounds, in a glass, metal or unapproved paper or plastic container. This shall not apply to non-alcoholic liquids brought onto the fairgrounds by the public as part of picnic meals when used or consumed in a stationary location.
No concession supplies, equipment, product, etc. may be placed or stored outside or on the exterior of any concession stand unless approved by concessions & exhibits department staff and proper screening, approved by concessions & exhibits department staff, is provided within which to contain such supplies, equipment, product, etc. from public view.
Construction or remodeling plans for all food and beverage concessions (including portable stands and trailers) must be approved by the State Fair concessions & exhibits department and Minnesota Departments of Health or Agriculture before construction or remodeling begins.
Mighty Midway and Kidway move-in may begin Friday, Aug. 16. Earlier move-in may be approved by the State Fair upon request.
Please check in at the Midway Office upon arrival. No one is to park or locate their own equipment without Midway staff direction. All attractions, concessions and support equipment must be positioned at Mighty Midway and Kidway by an authorized representative of the State Fair’s Midway Operations Staff.
All setup must be completed in a time and manner to ensure that attractions, exhibits and concessions can be inspected and fully operational prior to opening at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 22.
All Mighty Midway attractions and concessions must remain open, staffed, fully intact and operational until 9 p.m. on Labor Day. Kidway attractions and concessions must remain open, staffed, fully intact and operational until 8 p.m. on Labor Day. Vehicles will not be allowed through barricades for teardown before 9 p.m. on Labor Day for Mighty Midway attractions and concessions and 8 p.m. for Kidway attractions and concessions.
Utility services for teardown and living quarters will be available until noon on Thursday, Sept. 5. License holders must remove all equipment from the fairgrounds by 4 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6.
Identification badges, provided at no charge by the State Fair, must be worn in public view at all times by all on-duty Mighty Midway and Kidway attraction, concession, support equipment and service supplier licensees and their employees as prescribed by the State Fair. ID badges may only be obtained in the Midway Office with authorization from the licensee.
If lost, ID badges will be reissued for a $5 fee, which must be paid in cash at the time of reissue. Persons terminated or leaving employment prior to the conclusion of the fair must return their ID badge before leaving the fairgrounds.
ID badges will be required for access to services and amenities provided for Mighty Midway and Kidway licensees and employees, but do not provide admission to the fairgrounds. Moreover, State Fair public safety personnel will be checking the fairgrounds each night for unidentified and unauthorized persons; when found, they will be asked to leave the fairgrounds immediately.
Mighty Midway and Kidway licensees should advise those delivering their equipment and attractions to access the fairgrounds via Snelling Avenue (State Highway 51) to Como Avenue; west on Como Avenue approximately a half mile to the Canfield Gate (#14); turn right into the fairgrounds and proceed straight ahead to Mighty Midway.
All deliveries must be made between 11 p.m. and 8 a.m. through the Transitway, west of the Canfield Gate (#14) off Como Avenue. No on-grounds deliveries will be allowed by motorized vehicles between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. any day of the fair. Entry to the fairgrounds for all Mighty Midway and Kidway licensees holding proper credentials and valid admission tickets shall be permitted throughout the day only at the Transitway entry.
This service gate is open 24 hours a day. Persons on foot must enter at the Canfield Gate (#14).
Unless otherwise agreed by the State Fair and licensee, the fair will provide all Mighty Midway and Kidway concessions and exhibits with electrical power generated, supplied and distributed by the fair for operation of all Mighty Midway and Kidway attraction(s), concession(s) and support equipment. No “cut-in” or connection fees will be charged to licensees, but a fee for electric consumption will be charged to food, beverage, merchandise and non-ride or game of skill concessionaires.
Mighty Midway and Kidway licensees must supply at least 150 feet of appropriate connecting “lead wire” from the perimeter of each of their concessions, as well as an acceptable and compatible connection device for any concession(s) and/or support equipment they present.
Midway vehicle permits authorize vehicle access in and out of the fairgrounds without charge and vehicle placement at the Mighty Midway area. They are available at the Midway Office for $180 per vehicle. Only those authorized to live at the Mighty Midway area may obtain a Midway vehicle permit for access to and parking at the Mighty Midway area.
Vehicles with Midway vehicle permits must enter and exit the fairgrounds through the Transitway entry west of the Canfield Gate (#14) off Como Avenue; on and off grounds access through this entry is provided throughout the day. When exiting the fairgrounds, occupants of vehicles identified with a Midway vehicle permit should request a hand stamp for readmission to the fair on the same day without charge (7 a.m. to 11 p.m.).
These permits must be displayed as directed by instructions printed on the permit. Vehicles without this permit, or a storage and stationary unit permit, will be towed from the Mighty Midway area at the owner’s expense.
Employees of all licensees must be uniformed with matching shirts, jackets and hats (if worn), provided and/or approved by the State Fair, at the licensee’s cost, and worn in a manner approved by the State Fair. Ride, game of skill and attraction employees and operators will be required to wear either khaki, navy blue or black pants or shorts (no denim jeans). Licensees or their employees who do not comply with this policy may be dismissed.
All attraction licensees, concessionaires, support equipment and service providers and their employees are required to attend all safety, orientation and training meetings scheduled by the State Fair that pertain to their operations and activities. Attendance is mandatory.
As a convenience to Mighty Midway and Kidway licensees and their staff, the following services and amenities are available on the fairgrounds:
The following booth design parameters have been developed to create a high-quality, professional presentation to Minnesota State Fair guests. Most indoor lineup and corner booths will be finished with drapery dividers. Equipment placed in booths, such as counters, tables, chairs, carpeting, additional draping, etc., and associated costs, are the responsibility of the licensee. No element of your display may extend beyond the boundaries of your licensed site, and you may not have any unfinished display walls exposed to public view.
Deviation from these guidelines will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be approved by concessions & exhibits staff when deemed appropriate and/or necessary.
Any booth that faces one aisle.
The maximum height in the front half of the booth is 3 1/2 ft. Displays, signs and products must stay below this height for maximum sight lines. The maximum height in the back of the booth is 8 ft.
A contiguous grouping of exhibit space, freestanding, and bordered on four sides by aisle space.
Display materials may not exceed 3 1/2 ft. in height in the front third of each side. Any obstruction, sign, display or product exceeding 3 1/2 ft., to a maximum of 8 ft. in height, must be positioned in the middle of the booth. The shaded area in the diagram is one-fourth of the booth depth on all sides of the booth side midpoint.
Booths facing two aisles.
Similar to the Perimeter Wall Booth, in this layout you don’t have a backwall. With a contiguous lineup, the front and back of these booths are exposed to aisles. The maximum height in the middle one-third of the booth is 8 ft. The maximum height in the outer one-third of the booth is 3 1/2 ft. There will be curtains dividing each of the exhibitors using the same height restrictions.
Booths exposed to three aisles with one adjacent exhibitor.
Any sign, display, obstruction or product above 3 1/2 ft., to a maximum of 8 ft., must be set back 5 ft. from the facing end aisle. A 3 1/2 ft. height restriction is imposed in the remaining area of the booth.
Example given is for 14 ft. x 9 ft. inline and 18 ft. x 14 ft. end cap booth configuration.
The maximum height of the front half is 3 1/2 ft. Displays and products must be below this height for maximum sight lines. The maximum height in the back half of the booth is 8 ft., including all signage.
The outside 4 1/2 ft. of back wall may not exceed 3 1/2 ft. in height, the center may not exceed 8 ft. in height, including signage. Displays exceeding these dimensions must be approved by Minnesota State Fair staff prior to setup. All displays, signs and products must be placed inside your assigned site and may not be affixed to any exhibit building walls or pillars.