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Aug. 21 – Labor Day, Sept. 1, 2025

161 Days 21 Hours 13 Mins

Volunteer Overview

More Information

Note: Links will go live as information becomes available

A collage of three images at the Minnesota State Fair: On the left, a person holds an educational game; in the center, another person instructs children at an exhibit; on the right, two individuals staff a craft booth, smiling at the camera.

Volunteers are critical to the Great Minnesota Get-Together! These essential folks are what make many of our exhibits memorable and engaging.

No expertise required – just a willingness to help your fellow fair fans make the most of their day. Most shifts are two to three hours, and we’ll show you what to do. Sign up solo or with a group. PLUS, each volunteer receives a FREE admission ticket to the fair!

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Alphabet Forest – At this favorite destination for families and children, volunteers help with photo opportunities, alphabet games and easy crafts. Each volunteer receives a free admission ticket!
  • The Common Table – Introducing Minnesotans to the idea of local, sustainable food, this uniquely designed destination in the Agriculture Horticulture Building needs volunteers to help visitors try the interactive exhibits. Each volunteer receives a free admission ticket!
  • EquiMania!™ – At this award-winning exhibit in the Horse Barn, visitors take photos on a model horse, wrap a model horse’s leg and try a variety of easy activities to learn more about horses. Equine knowledge is not required. Each volunteer receives a free admission ticket and a free T-shirt!
  • Kemps Little Farm Hands – We welcome individuals, families or groups of any size (up to 25 members) to volunteer. Volunteers are needed in 3.25-hour shifts to guide children through this hands-on exhibit that teaches the agricultural process from farm to market. “Day-of Volunteers” sponsorship opportunities are also available with additional benefits. Each volunteer receives a free admission ticket and a free T-shirt!
  • Math On-A-Stick – This exhibit is a welcoming space where kids and grown-ups can explore fun math concepts. Volunteers help visitors sort, count, arrange and match with reptile-shaped tiles, colored eggs and more. Each volunteer receives a free admission ticket!
  • State Fair Foundation – Hundreds of volunteers promote the Foundation’s mission, primarily during the summer months and at the 12 days of the Minnesota State Fair. Small groups or individuals can bring a variety of skills and expertise. Each fair-time volunteer receives an admission ticket per shift and a T-shirt!

Visit each opportunities page to learn more and register to volunteer!