Aug. 21 – Labor Day, Sept. 1, 2025
148 Days 10 Hours 20 Mins
Our mission is to know exactly what would be most beneficial to your company and to find an opportunity that best accomplishes that goal. As a fair that attracts a third of Minnesota’s population, there are a multitude of demographics to reach through a variety of opportunities. Having an idea of what your company’s objectives are will help us to get started. Booth space, for instance, is not included in all sponsorships. Please send us your wish list using the following as a guide. Any and all additional ideas are welcome for discussion.
As a Minnesota State Fair sponsor, your fully integrated package of benefits may include:
Brand awareness, increase sales, target new customers, launch new products or services, enter new market, etc.
Age, gender, parents, children, psychographics, etc.
Recognition (signage, state fair publications, web, social media inclusions)
Activities (booth space, couponing, sampling, sales)
Multiple locations, exit sampling and roaming are strictly prohibited.
Minnesota State Fair sponsorships generally range from $25,000 to $250,000. Indicating your level of commitment guides us in the search for the right sponsorship opportunities that will fit your available resources.
To be considered for the Minnesota State Fair, please fill out the sponsorship application and return (contact information below). The application is brief and non-binding, and there is no application fee. Be sure to include your supporting materials (photos, layout, products, etc.). 2025 sponsorship application.
For more information, please contact:
Melissa Varriano
Sponsorship Supervisor
You may also be interested in presenting a touring promotional exhibit.