1854: Minnesota Territorial Agricultural Society founded (governing body of the fair)
1855: First territorial fair, held in Minneapolis
1857: Territorial fair moves to St. Paul
1858: Minnesota admitted to the Union (no fair due to lack of funds)
1859: First State Fair, held in Minneapolis
1860: State Fair held at Fort Snelling
1861: No fair – Civil War
1862: No fair – Civil War, U.S.-Dakota War of 1862
1863: State Fair held at Fort Snelling
1864: State Fair held at Redwing
1865: State Fair held in Minneapolis
1866-1867: State Fair held in Rochester
1868: State Fair held in Minneapolis
1869: State Fair held in Rochester
1870: State Fair held in Winona
1871-1876: State Fair held in St. Paul
1877: State Fair held in Minneapolis
1878-1879: State Fair held in St. Paul
1880-1882: State Fair held in Rochester
1883-1884: State Fair held in Owatonna
1885: First year at present fairgrounds, at the time it was known as the city of Hamline, in Rose Township ★ Wooden Grandstand, Main Building (Agriculture), and numerous stock barns built ★ Fair runs for six days
1893: No fair – World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago
1897: Hamline Church Dining Hall opens – longest-running food concession at the fair
1899: First evening Grandstand show, “The Burning of Manila” fireworks presentation ★ First year of electricity at the fair, which allowed it to operate after sunset
1901: U.S. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt delivered his famous “Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick” speech at the fair
1904: First carnival midway
1906: Legendary pacer horse Dan Patch set the world record time of 1:55 for one mile at the Grandstand ★ James J. Hill dedicated the newly constructed Hippodrome
1907: First year of auto races ★ Forty acres of land were purchased north of the fairgrounds; this became known as Machinery Hill ★ Dairy Building (now Fine Arts Center) built ★ Poultry Building (now Progress Center) built
1909: Current Grandstand built
1910: First airplane flight in Minnesota was featured at the fairgrounds
1911: Fine Arts Exhibition debuted
1912: Farm Boys Camp added to Machinery Hill
1913: Boys and Girls Clubs (now known as 4-H) exhibit at the fair
1915: Ye Old Mill debuts at the fair
1916: First greenhouse built on the fairgrounds ★ Farm Girls Camp added to Machinery Hill
1915: Fair extends from six days to eight
1920: Cattle Barn constructed
1922: Vice President Calvin Coolidge was heckled by an impatient Grandstand audience after speaking for 45 minutes on a 90° day. The good-natured vice president shortened his speech by several pages so the auto races could start.
1927: John Phillip Sousa composed the “Minnesota March” and performed it at the fair.
1933: First Thrill Day ★ First year of “everyone pays” gate ★ Royal American Shows contracted for the carnival midway – partnership lasts for decades ★ First fair to have four Ferris wheels in one location
1934: Conservation Building (now DNR) constructed ★ Streetcar tracks shortened; Streetcar Arch welcomes guests at new entrance
1936: Swine Barn constructed
1937: Last year of the one-mile track. A new half-mile track for horses and auto racing was built. ★ Fair extends from eight to 10 days ★ The Works Progress Administration (WPA) completed building the Horse Barn, Poultry Barn and Grandstand Ramp.
1938-1939: 4-H Building construction begins; building is available for use in 1939
1939: Last year of the one-mile track. A new half-mile track for horses and auto racing was built. ★ Fair extends from eight to 10 days
1940: 4-H Building completed
1942: Auto races suspended because of World War II gasoline rationing
1943: Livestock buildings and 50 acres surrounding them were taken over by the government for an airplane propeller plant. Livestock, horse and poultry shows were suspended.
1944: Original wooden-domed Main Building (Agriculture) burned down
1945: No fair – World War II
1946: No fair – Polio epidemic ★ Livestock buildings reconverted for pre-war use ★ Hippodrome no longer structurally sound and razed
1947: Livestock and poultry shows reinstated ★ Only draft horses were exhibited at the fair; judging held outside of the Horse Barn
★ The Pronto Pup made its debut, the first food on-a-stick
1948: Future Farmers of America (FFA) starts exhibiting livestock at the fair.
1949: Last year of horse races at the fair. The focus shifted to automobile racing.
1951: New Hippodrome (now the Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum) replaced the original built in 1906 and razed in 1946. ★ Horse shows reinstated
1954: First statewide Princess Kay of the Milky Way contest
1955: The State Fair passed the 1 million mark in attendance for the first time.
1956: FFA Children’s Barnyard debuts (precursor to Miracle of Birth Center)
1962: First “big-name” night shows were staged, starring Dennis Day, Jane Russell and Jimmy Dean.
1964: Skyride built ★ Teen-Age Fair (Young America Center) built. West End Market is now in its place.
1965: Space Tower built ★ First year Princess Kay and her court carved in butter
1966: Fairchild debuted as the State Fair mascot
1970: Mexican Village opens, featuring wares, food and entertainment
1971: Bandshell constructed, becoming the largest free stage at the fair ★ Conservation building renamed to DNR; fish ponds added to the DNR Park
1972: Fair extends from 10 to 11 days
1975: Fair extends from 11 to Twelve Days of Fun Ending Labor Day ★ Heritage Square opens (replaces former Teen Fair)
1976: Heritage Square expands and adds the Minnesota State Fair Museum
1980: Fine Arts Exhibition moved from the Grandstand’s third floor into the newly renovated Fine Arts Center, one of the two oldest State Fair buildings
1983: Fairborne debuts as the State Fair’s second mascot
1984: Mexican Village is renamed the Bazaar
1986, 1987, 1989: Aerialist Jay Cochran walked a high wire from the top of the 4-H Building to the top of the Space Tower
1988: First llama show
1991: Visitors Plaza constructed ★ Pet Center opened
1995: Carousel Park constructed (now known as Dan Patch Park) ★ Mighty Midway opens, the State Fair’s self-directed carnival ★ Kidway becomes a permanent feature at the north end ★ Old Iron Show debuts on Machinery Hill
1998: The North Woods introduced on Machinery Hill
2000: Agrilympics debuts (blend of agriculture, local celebrities and sports)
2001: SkyGlider constructed ★ Adopt-A-Garden Program began
2002: Minnesota State Fair Foundation established ★ Food Building renovated and new Food Building Park constructed outside the south side of the building ★ Last year of auto races ★ Grandstand bleachers razed and renovation began
2003: Little Farm Hands exhibit opens
2004: The Grandstand renovation project was completed and included a new Grandstand Plaza seating area, accessible entrance and exit ramps, and entertainment production facility.
2006: CHS Miracle of Birth Center built ★ Coliseum renamed for Lee and Rose Warner ★ Historic greenhouse residence restored and named J.V. Bailey House, office space for the Minnesota State Fair Foundation ★ Eco Experience takes over the Progress Center
2008: New International Bazaar opened
2009: Moo Booth updated (located in Cattle Barn)
2011: First Military Appreciation Day ★ First year of the State Fair History Walking tour, which is a partnership between the Minnesota State Fair Foundation and the Minnesota Historical Society
2012: AgStar Arena opened (now Compeer Arena)
2013: More than 4,000 Vietnam-era veterans walked in a “welcome home” parade on Military Appreciation Day.
2014: West End Market, History & Heritage Center and Transit Hub opened
2019: North End area created to include the North End Event Center, Minnesota Corn Fairstalk, sculptures and Minnesota Marquees
2020: State Fair canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic ★ First Minnesota State Fair Food Parade and online Minnesota State Fair: At-Home Edition held