Aug. 21 – Labor Day, Sept. 1, 2025
170 Days 16 Hours 34 Mins
Fun Cards are paperless tickets for carnival rides & games in Mighty Midway and Kidway. The Fun Cards use RFID technology to store your tickets for an easy redemption process and save you time and stress with no need to handle paper tickets. Fun Cards can only be used for rides & games at Mighty Midway & Kidway. They cannot be used for the Great Big Wheel, the rides at Adventure Park, the Giant Slide and other attractions outside Mighty Midway & Kidway.
Purchase a Fun Card loaded with your selected amount of tickets at a staffed ticket sales booth or at a self-serve ticket kiosk. (Fun Cards were also available over the summer wherever pre-fair discount tickets were sold, such as Cub stores.) Go to any ride or game located in Mighty Midway or Kidway, where the card will be scanned and the posted number of tickets will be deducted. You are able to check the amount deducted and the amount left on your card at any ride or game. If you run out of tickets, you can always purchase more and reload your card at a staffed ticket sales booth or a self-serve kiosk.
At Mighty Midway, you can purchase Fun Cards at staffed ticket sales booths and two credit card-only self-serve ticket kiosks at the entrance to Mighty Midway and at an additional eight self-serve ticket kiosk stations throughout the midway. At Kidway, purchase Fun Cards at staffed ticket sales booths located near the north end of the Kidway and at two self-serve kiosk stations located near the south end of the Kidway.
Cash and credit cards are not accepted at individual rides or games. You can use cash or credit to buy Fun Cards loaded with tickets at staffed ticket sales booths and self-serve kiosks (note that some kiosks are credit card-only). Please note that kiosks do not provide change for cash purchases; cash inserted into kiosks in an amount greater than an intended purchase will be used to purchase the equivalent dollar value in tickets; if not enough cash is entered, a Fun Card will be dispensed with the number of credits equal to the cash inserted. Using both cash and credit in the same transaction to pay for Fun Cards is not accepted.
Fun Card vouchers purchased in advance through the Minnesota State Fair website, on, or at the Ticket Office on the fairgrounds must be redeemed at a Mighty Midway or Kidway kiosk. At the kiosk, select Redeem Code and scan your advance purchase Fun Card Redemption Voucher. A Fun Card will be dispensed from the kiosk loaded with the number of tickets you purchased. Advance purchase Fun Card Redemption Vouchers may not be redeemed at a ticket seller booth and must be brought to a self-serve kiosk on the Mighty Midway or Kidway.
To use your Blue Ribbon Bargain Book coupon #1 ($9 off one $30 Fun Card with 33 ride & game tickets for Mighty Midway and/or Kidway), scan the QR code on the back cover of the Blue Ribbon Bargain Book at a self-serve kiosk at Mighty Midway or Kidway. QR codes cannot be redeemed at a staffed ticket booth and can only be redeemed once.
Fun Cards purchased in advance through Cub Foods or at select out-state ticket outlets are preloaded with 50 advance discount tickets. Fun Cards purchased in advance online or at the Minnesota State Fair Ticket Office can be loaded with 25, 50, 100, or 200 advance discount tickets. At the fair, you can select any number of tickets to load onto the Fun Card. At the fair, discounts are offered on 70 tickets (price is $60) and on 33 tickets (price is $30). Individual tickets are $1 at the fair.
Check your balance at: A ticket kiosk located in Mighty Midway or Kidway, a staffed ticket booth, any ride or game, or at the Mighty Midway information booth.
Purchase additional tickets at a kiosk or staffed ticket booth with cash or credit. Please note that kiosks do not provide change for cash purchases; cash inserted into kiosks in an amount greater than an intended purchase will be used to purchase the equivalent dollar value in tickets. Using both cash and credit in the same transaction to pay for Fun Cards is not accepted.
Yes! If you register your card, when you log in, you will be able to see how many advance discount and how many fair-time tickets are on the card.
As long as you have available tickets, you can use your Mighty Midway & Kidway Fun Card any time during the fair. Additional tickets can be reloaded anytime during the fair. Tickets are valid for the 2024 State Fair only and will expire on the last day of the fair.
Only registered cards may be tracked if lost. For 2024, you may only register one card per email address. Unfortunately, if you lose your card and it is not registered, you will also lose the tickets loaded on your card. To report your registered lost card, stop by a staffed Mighty Midway or Kidway ticket booth. If you purchased your Fun Card prior to the fair, you can also call the State Fair ticket office, 651-288-4427.
Registration is not required, but if you do not register your card, lost tickets cannot be replaced, and customer service issues are more difficult to resolve.
No refunds are provided. All sales are final. All tickets purchased in 2024 will expire at the end of the 2024 State Fair. Left over tickets from 2024 are not valid in 2025.
Register your Mighty Midway & Kidway Fun Card.